
VITAMIN D3 – Also known as the sunshine vitamin, is one of the most important vitamins for your overall health and plays a key role in the brain and nervous system. Numerous studies have shown a link between low levels of vitamin D3 and depression. Recent research indicates that many people are deficient in this key vitamin, and If you’re grief stricken, odds are you’re not getting the recommended daily amount of sunshine you need to keep your levels of vitamin D3 where they need to be and that alone can have an impact on your mood. There is even some evidence that supplementation improved depressive symptoms of people with normal levels of Vitamin D3. Some possible symptoms of low level vitamin D3 include: Anxiety, overwhelming sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, insomnia, thoughts of death or suicide, and excessive weight loss or weight gain. Being deficient in this nutrient can have such far-reaching consequences.

VITAMIN B12 – Vitamin B-12 plays a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Vitamin B12 is important in balancing out depressive moods. There has been studies that provide compelling evidence of the protective effects of dietary intake and supplementation of vitamin B-12 against depression, and given the links between anxiety and depression, they may also be helpful for anxiety. They also support heart health, which is important if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, which stress the heart. In the short term, having low levels of B12 could lead to a lack of energy, depressed feelings, anxiety, and shortness of breath.

HAWTHORNE - Hawthorn berries are known as a cardiac trophorestorative (in a simpler language, food for your heart). If you've heard of Hawthorn and its effects on the heart you won't be surprised by its antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and even vasodilator activities. What might surprise you is that Hawthorn is also a nervine. Herbal nervine's are herbs that support, strengthen and nourish the nervous system. Hawthorne has been used for years to treat anxiety and used for intense sadness, treating broken heart and grief. 

HOLY BASIL LEAF - An Herb with Incomparable benefits, also known as Tulsi, is renowned for its ability to lower levels of stress hormones in the body. Holy basil is considered a tonic for the body, mind, and spirit. It is a plant with a rich history of use as a healing herb. An important adaptogenic herb that helps restore vitality and promote overall health, softening our reaction to stress. Simply put, adaptogens like Holy Basil are amazing. They are a particular Class of Herbs that have been linked with helping the body adapt to stress (psychological and environmental). Holy basil has been shown to have antidepressant and antianxiety properties similar to antidepressant drugs. Studies have shown that it can help people feel more social and less anxious. Holy basil is also considered a “great protector” and is used in India to protect against grief, mood issues, and depression. 

MOTHERWORT - Motherwort is a potent support for cardiovascular and nervous systems. It is a favorite among herbalists as a remedy for anxiety and stress. This is an excellent remedy for a racing heart caused by stress, tension, and general emotional upset. A soothing herb for the nerves as well, motherwort can settle a racing mind and bring back the restorative balm of untroubled sleep. It can calm unease and anxiousness that can be associated with turbulent emotions.

LEMON BALM HERB - Lemon balm is most well-known for its anti-depressant and anti-anxiety properties. It not only falls into the category of nervine relaxant, but it is also considered an adaptogen for its ability to modulate the whole body’s response to stress. Lemon balm is a wonderful herb for treating insomnia that stems from worry, heartbreak, nervous tension, and stomach upset due to stress. The plant’s specific application for transforming grief and sorrow is also well documented throughout history. William Shakespeare’s references to lemon balm as a comfort for grief in several of his plays reflect the common understanding of his time. Early herbalists and writers praised lemon balm for its medicinal and uplifting qualities. A number of clinical trials and pilot trials on lemon balm have shown the power of the herb to reduce anxiety disorders and insomnia. Paracelsus, writing in the 15th and 16th centuries, noted that its regular use would “completely revivify” a person (Grieve, 1931, p. 76); his choice of words implies a return of liveliness.

ENGLISH LAVENDER - Lavender has a long historical use for its calming properties and is commonly used for anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, depression, headache and pain. Lavender has been used medicinally for centuries to support a broken heart and as a remedy for stress and headaches.  In the 17th century, herbalist Nicholas Culpeper described lavender as a fierce and piercing herb, useful when the blood is hot and excessive and helpful for “trembling’s and passions of the heart” works to calm strong emotions by bringing our presence back into the moment. Lavender can also help in releasing pent up emotions while allowing energy to move and flow through the body, volatilizing it up and out.

SKULLCAP – One of Mother Nature’s finest nerviness, an herb used before we had pharmaceutical tranquilizers, its a traditional herbal remedy for stress and anxiety. This plant does wonders for the nervous system and brain as a relaxing nervine. Wonderfully gentle and nourishing to the nervous system. Helps relieve occasional tension and stress, circular thoughts, and nervousness. Can be used throughout the day during stressful situations or at night before bed to calm worried thoughts. Skullcap is a good friend in times of anxiety when the brain will not stop with whirling thoughts around and around. Taking Skullcap during times of heartbreak and grief can help to quiet the thoughts so we can focus on the present and not re-live a painful experience repetitively in our minds. Skullcap can calm the central nervous system while repairing the damage of excessive stress hormones over time. 

ROSE HIPS - Rose is a favorite among herbalists for times of grief and trauma, as it’s very specific for held in or pent up emotion. Highly prized throughout history as an herbal remedy, rose hips are often used to alleviate pains of the emotional heart, to lift spirits and enhance vitality, rose hips are also very high in antioxidants. Gentle rose is a calming nervine and a helpful respiratory and immune ally. By adding a little Rose to a formula, it can uplift suffering from any form of anxiety, anger, insecurity, and grief. It’s full of vital nutrients that aid your heart physically and will enable a feeling of comfort. This beneficial ingredient is high in vitamin C as well as being an anti-inflammatory.